As I wanted to create patterns that looked intricate without the long processes that they involve, I decided to play with them in Photoshop and Illustrator to save time. The pro's of doing this is that I can easily change colours between colour schemes and different colours within the same colour scheme. As I enjoyed the traditional processes more in this unit and focused heavily on my drawings it made the digital side a lot easier. Also, with what I've learnt throughout previous projects I know what type of drawings work best in Photoshop and Illustrator so when I'm doing motifs I can imagine how they're going to work digitally.
With this pattern I regret not making the quality slightly better, on the computer screen it looked okay but when I went to print it out it wasn't the best resolution it could be. This is a shame because the pattern is the final stage and to realise this at the last minute makes all the work before it useless as well. With Unit X and future projects I need to ensure I'm always working at a good quality resolution to stop this happening. In Unit X I really want to get some sampling done as I haven't done any and I need to ensure my work is top quality before doing any type of fabric printing.