Monday 16 May 2016

Cushion Production

As I wanted 5 cushions for the degree show, I have been looking into the process of having them made. I want them to look like the real product, down to the filling inside. Having done my material investigation, I am certain of the fabrics I want and I've taken into account how the fabrics will look next to each other. After researching into where I can get the cushions made, I found that this could potentially very expensive. I need to try and keep my outgoings to a reasonable level as in the outside world after university it will be crucial to keep to a budget especially working with external clients. Seeing as I have used very bold colours within my project, this is very important to make sure they're fluent throughout. Having looked at quotes for making the cushions I thought it best to order my fabric from the website I used for my samples to ensure fluency throughout my project and find another source to make the cushion covers. 


Whilst ordering my fabrics, I started to regret deciding to do 5 cushions as the price was starting to add up quite drastically. I came to the conclusion that the best idea to keep my cushions at the higher price point and within my vision was to back my cushions with a plain coloured fabric. This alters my vision slightly but it solves a big problem, it is essential I learn from others within this process. There are certain areas that I am not knowledgable in and I have to adapt my practice from the knowledge I gain from others. 


I have had back one of my cushions made and I am very happy with the result. As stated before I had to change the vision slightly as my price point didn't match exactly with what was achievable with the budget. This has taught me to take more care with numbers and ask for help when needed from other specialist areas. I am happy I came to get at least one cushion ready before assessment as this shows my time management skills have improved dramatically which will be crucial when leaving university.