Saturday, 14 May 2016

Material Investigation

In my brief I stated that I wanted to aim my cushions at a higher price point, to keep everything to the same standard the material investigation was really important to find fabrics that keep in line with the higher price point. In the practice unit I stated that I wanted to investigate materials more to better my practice as a designer. 

Oxford Linen Look 322gsm

This fabric would be suited for outdoor cushions but it wasn't the high end fabric I was looking for.

Quilted Jersey Stretch 255gsm

This material was too thin and cheap, it would be more suited to a fashion outcome rather than soft furnishings.

Suede Vision 180gsm

This fabric did not suit my target audience and didn't have a soft finish. Although the colour and pattern came out nicely.

Lucent Satin 120gsm

This material was spot on for what I was looking for, it had a nice sheen to it and the pattern didn't bleed.

Plush Velvet 450gsm

This fabric had a nice luxurious feel to it that I was looking for but the detail of the pattern didn't come through. It also may not be suitable for cushions and may be more suitable to fashion.

Velvet Shimmer 371gsm

Velvet shimmer gave the finish I was looking for as I'm going for a more expensive price point and this fabric will show that.

Crushed Velour 180gsm

The crushed velour combined the two good aspects of the lucent satin and plush velvet as the pattern came through nicely but had a nice sheen and luxurious feel.