Wednesday 4 May 2016

Developed Prints

After deciding to work with my practice unit motifs, I was still in the mind set of the patterns I was focusing on in that unit, which was what about detail and busy prints. I regrouped to realise that I wasn't working on my practice unit it didn't need to be the same and I had to really try hard to work on what I wanted to change in the last unit.

I had so many drawings and motifs in the last unit I was really disappointed as the project went on I started to get carried away with different aspects and almost forgot about my drawings and motifs. So I decided to go back to the very first motifs I did and see if I could make something from them in Unit X. 

From a professional aspect, I need to ensure that I have a range of different prints and patterns in my work and portfolio to show I can do a range of styles. I don't want to just showcase one style of work I can produce I want to show as much as possible. In terms of my degree show, as I have used bold colours I don't want it to be too overpowering and by having the more simple designs it breaks up the overall look.