Saturday 21 May 2016


After the practice unit I had a very good idea of what I wanted to achieve in unit x, with my motifs and mark makings I made a good foundation for unit x to create patterns and final pieces. In my learning agreement I stated I want to establish myself as a versatile textile designer and I think in this project I have managed to stay versatile without stretching myself too far. I did have mixed feelings about crossing over from interiors to fashion but I think accessories is a good compromise.

Material investigation was a very important part of unit x as I hadn’t previously researched a lot of materials and hadn’t considered how it would affect my practice. I ensured that I prioritised exploring materials and it helped my practice dramatically. In previous projects I had avoided making any mock ups of my work but in unit x I learnt the importance of being able to produce a mock up. Especially after not being able to produce mock ups for the live brief, after university if I am working with a client or company they won’t be able to see my vision so it’s vital I provide a concept.

Keeping my work in line with my audience has been a constant focus throughout the project. With having the bright, strong colours throughout all of my prints I want them to have more exclusivity. When it came to picking fabrics, I constantly thought about my target audience and how I want to showcase my work as a textile designer

Challenges within this unit have really tested my ability to problem solve. In my learning agreement I stated the budget in my live brief may have been issue so I should have addressed the point of who would funding the project earlier and I would have been more prepared. My problem solving has greatly improved within this project, my fabric for the cushions in the degree show were the wrong sizes so I had to solve this problem by sourcing a different fabric for the back of the cover.

I have tried to make my body of work varied, as I want to be a versatile designer and showcase the skills I have picked up throughout university. This has only been possible by managing my time more efficiently, in the practice unit I was starting to get better at time management but in this unit I have really learnt the value of managing my time and seeing what’s possible within the time frame.

Overall, even though unit x has been incredibly challenging it has built my confidence as a designer drastically. By creating my foundation in the practice unit, it inspired me continuously throughout this unit. The processes I have learnt will certainly help me after university and I now feel prepared for what path I may take whether it be freelance or working for a company I now have the ability to manage my time and problem solve.